Turkish dry cargo ship with cargo from Russia sank
On 20 November, it became known that a dry cargo ship with 11-12 crew members sank off the coast of Turkey during a storm.
The collapse of Western civilisation in Turkey
Turkey’s Grand National Assembly host Numan Kurtulmuş commented on the West’s stance with the situation in Gaza. He stated that Western civilisation
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There was an earthquake in Iran
An earthquake with magnitude 4.3 was recorded near the Iranian city of Maku, not far from the Iranian-Turkish border, the rescue service of the Armenian
Iceland – earthquakes and eruptions
Over the past year there have been many natural disasters in the world, which led to numerous destructions and victims. Natural phenomena can be merciless
Natural disasters in Europe
Those days, Europe was hited by the most powerful storm since 1987, Ciaran.
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Palestine said that people were killed after a strike on a school in Gaza
According to RBC, more than 20 people were killed in the Israeli army strike. It was where the refugees were housed.
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Humanitarian aid trucks have arrived in the Gaza Strip
Some 130 trucks have arrived in the Gaza Strip with humanitarian aid. They arrived in the enclave through the Rafah crossing point on the border with Egypt.
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Бомбежка военных объектов в Сирии
В ночь на пятницу 27 октября США нанесли два удара по военным базам, которые, по словам минобороны США Пентагона Ллойда Остина, используются Корпусом Стражей
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Saudi Arabia’s warning of the operation’s implications for the US
Saudi officials have told the US that Israel’s incursion into the Gaza Strip could have serious repercussions for the Middle East.
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Iranian plans to engage in conflict with Israel
Iran says Israel has crossed all red lines. The Iranian president said that he did not guarantee that Tehran would stay out. He explained that this is