Рекордный разгром:Сборная Франции обыграла команду Гибралтара со счётом 14:0
Сборная Франции разгромила команду Гибралтара со счетом 14:0 в матче отбора Евро-2024.
Kremlin relations
The France is on fire
Last night turned out to be a terrific nightmare for the French natives. More than 100 participants of the mass strikes were arrested in the heart of France.
Louis Vuitton opens the first hotel in Paris
Louis Vuitton plans to open its first hotel in France. For this purpose, the brand has given up its headquarters, which overlooks the main attractions of Paris.
France: “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
France is the largest country in Western Europe. The history of these lands dates back to the times when the planet was inhabited by representatives of
France – is it really so or why does everyone want to go there? Will the expectations match the reality when you see France with your own eyes?
The capital of love, the heart of all romantics and lovers of traditional cuisine, are known all over the world. The birthplace of the world’