Iceland under the smoke of a volcano


Since the end of October, Iceland has been experiencing a huge number of earthquakes. Huge damage, numerous destructions have been suffered by the country. Now in great danger is the small fishing town of Grindavik, which at any moment can be buried under the flow of lava. What is happening at the moment on the unsafe Reykjanes Peninsula?

A magma tunnel has formed on the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland due to the Fagradalsfjädl volcano, and the consequences will not be comforting. Huge emissions of volcanic smoke, ash, and especially lava are expected, which could reach Europe as it did in 2010. Then the ash from the Eyjafjallajökull volcano suspended air travel in the UK, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Scientists suggest that the series of earthquakes will last another 500-600 years. A cycle has been discovered during which part of the time the volcano sleeps and part of the time it erupts. Back in 2021 there was a small eruption of the volcano Fagradalsfjadl, but it was short-lived and without casualties.

The largest amount of magma was recorded 3.5 kilometers from Grindavik, near Mount Hagafell. It is expected to rise through a magma tunnel to the surface.

A huge fissure has split Grindavik, raising the ground level. Steam is coming to the surface from the crevices. Residents have been allowed to return for five minutes to retrieve valuables from their homes. 

People are waiting to see what happens to the town. Now there is no one in Grindavik, all 4 thousand people evacuated, tourist attractions closed. The volcanic eruption may completely destroy Grindavik, and even affect the countries of Europe.