Elections in Turkey. Victory of the opposition
On March 31, 2024, Turkey held regular municipal elections, which the ruling party of the president lost for the first time.
A Russian tourist was kidnapped in Turkey and found dead afterwards
After the New Year a Russian tourist was found dead. At the moment the investigation is considering two versions – that she was kidnapped for ransom
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Russian. English
28 сентября в провинции Турции Кахраманмараш произошло землетрясение с магнитудой 4,0.  Подземные толчки зафиксированы в 09:18 по местному времени, которое
Kremlin relations
A Russian man was found dead in Turkey
On August 10, the body of the previously missing Russian Makar Ragin was found in Turkey. The body of a 20-year-old man was found on the island of Burgazada near Istanbul.
Kremlin relations
Turkey on fire. A brief excursion into what happened
The beginning Fires in Turkey began on 28 July.  The first outbreaks occurred in four regions of Turkey at once: Manavgat, Sorgun, Colakli and in the center