Victory Day celebrations in Europe


What is war? War is always loss of life, hunger, destroyed settlements. War interferes with the calm, peaceful life of man. Simply put, war is always evil. 

September 1, 1939 began one of the largest and bloodiest wars in the history of mankind – World War II. Almost the entire territory of the Earth was covered by this war. The Axis countries (Germany, Italy, Japan and their allies) and the USSR, Great Britain, the USA on the other hand fought fiercely for almost 6 years. The war was started by Germany, which at that time was taken over by the Nazis (Nazism is the name for the ideology and practices of Hitler’s regime in Germany from 1933-1945)

The capture of Germany by the National Socialists is one of the most significant reasons for the start of the war. However, it was not only this factor that influenced. Germany did not honor the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles was concluded between Germany and the anti-German coalition in 1919. It was a peace treaty, and by its agreement Germany lost its colonies. It also limited the country’s military armament and forbade the creation of an army.

Officially, the war began with Germany’s conquest of Poland. However, the beginning of World War II can be considered the Anschluss of Austria – the forcible annexation of Austria to the territory of Nazi Germany in 1938. Following this, Germany also forcibly annexed Czechoslovakia.

On September 3, 1939, Great Britain entered the war. It was the only country that fought practically from the very beginning of the war to its end. British losses during the Second World War amounted to about 450 thousand people. Together with Great Britain France entered the war, but despite the superior army and military equipment of the Germans, in 1940 it was defeated, and the Germans captured Paris. What is curious – Hitler signed the surrender of France in the same place (in the same railroad car) where in 1918 France accepted the surrender of Germany in the First World War.  

On June 22, 1941, the USSR entered the war when it was suddenly attacked by Nazi Germany without a declaration of war. The main front of World War II was the Soviet-German front. The main forces of the German army were concentrated on this front. The Red Army suffered heavy losses, especially at the initial stage. The Germans captured a huge territory of the country – Kiev, Minsk, surrounded Leningrad and came close to Moscow. The advanced units of German troops were stopped in the area of the Moscow Canal.

However, the USSR survived due to the incredible courage of its soldiers and timely help of the Allies. Victories at Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk and many others defeated the German army. And in May 1945, the Soviet army entered Berlin. Germany capitulated. 

World War II was fought on 3 continents: Europe, Asia and Africa, but the war also involved countries such as: USA, Australia, Brazil which were far away from the battlegrounds. They provided military support to other countries by sending them troops, airplanes and ships. 

Interesting fact: initially, the act of surrender of Germany was signed in the French city of Reims (northeastern France). However, Stalin stated that the surrender should be accepted in the homeland of fascism, that is, in Germany, in Berlin, which had already been captured by Soviet troops.

The Second World War entailed the following events: on October 24, 1945, the United Nations Organization (UNO) was founded. The countries of the anti-Hitler coalition were admitted to this organization. The purpose of this organization was to prevent similar bloody wars in the future.

Also, it took a few more years to restore the world after such a bloody war. The USSR suffered particularly badly. Losses amounted to more than 20 million people, almost the entire European part of the country lay in ruins, such cities as Minsk and Stalingrad were completely destroyed. However, within a short time the heroic Soviet people restored and built everything anew. Many populated areas in Europe were also destroyed or completely wiped out. The U.S. launched a special program to rebuild Europe after the war, the Marshall Plan. The goal of the plan was to rebuild the economy of Europe, eliminate trade barriers, and increase labor productivity. The Marshall Plan managed to achieve its goal, while putting Europe in economic dependence on the United States.

In Russia, Victory Day is celebrated on May 9, but Europe celebrates the holiday on May 8. What is the reason for this difference? The fact that the act of surrender of Germany came into force on May 8, 1945 at 23:01 European time, and in the USSR by that time on the clock was 01:01 on May 9.

We all know how Victory Day is celebrated in Russia: Victory Parade on Red Square, ceremonial salute, carrying the red flag, laying flowers at memorials and monuments. Of course, every family of the country remembers its heroes and passes the memory of them to the next generations.

Nevertheless, it is quite interesting to know how other countries celebrate Victory Day.

In the United States, May 8 is called “Victory in Europe Day.” For America, this day is not the end of World War II, as the war for them ended on September 2, 1945 – when Japan signed the surrender act. On May 8, various parades and wreath-laying ceremonies are held, but not as lavishly as in Russia.

Is Victory Day celebrated in Germany? Yes, it is celebrated, because Victory Day also means victory over fascism, from which Germany was freed. On May 8 there are official events dedicated to the memory of the soldiers of the Second World War. And on May 9 there is usually a laying of wreaths at numerous memorials and monuments.

Memorial to animals participating in World War in London
Monument to Soviet solder Alyosha, Bulgaria
Brandenburg Gate, Berlin

As mentioned above, war is an evil that causes misfortune and misery to ordinary common people. War takes away from a person everything most valuable and dear. People should not forget about such events, should remember and honor the memory of their ancestors who fought for our bright future!