Russian, English
«Аэрофлот» увеличил частоту вылетов из Москвы на курорты в Египет. Пресс служба ПАО «Аэрофлот» сообщает, что увеличатся рейсы из Москвы на курорты в Шарм-эль-Шейх и Хургаду.
Kremlin today
Russian, English
Израиль и Палестина. Пока в мире активно ведется украинско-российский конфликт, два извечных врага, Израиль и Палестина, продолжают свою борьбу. 
Kremlin today
Russian, English
Стоит ли россиянам ехать на олимпиаду  В наше время, когда Россия отстаивает свои интересы, проводя спецоперацию на Украине, политика все больше проникает
Kremlin today
Russian, English
Kremlin today
«THEY ARE TRYING TO EXCLUDE ME FROM  CPRF*»: Deputy Evgeny Stupin told about the other side of deputy life
*CPRF – Communist Party of the Russian Federation In 18 of December at Central House of the Journalist was held a press conference deputy of the
Kremlin today
Kherson withdrawal of Russian troops
The main event of Wednesday is the decision publicly announced by the Russian military command to withdraw combat units in the Kherson region from the
Kremlin today
Russia will resume grain deal Suspended
After the CBP began in Ukraine on February 24, grain exports from the republic were stopped, and Black Sea ports were blocked. As you know, before the
Kremlin today
How do people live in Russia without clothes from Bershka and meatballs from IKEA?
The relevance of import substitution in Russia has increased sharply against the background of ITS, but the issues of replacement for goods of domestic
Kremlin today
What were the consequences after attack on Sevastopol?
At approximately 4 a.m. on October 29, 2022, there was a major attack on the Black Sea Fleet ships in Sevastopol by AFU flying and naval drones.
Kremlin today
“To drown children – this is our method”: Krasovsky about ukrainian children
“Antonyms” – russian TV show for daily agenda, the ex-head of which is a journalist Anton Krasovsky. On the 20th of October there was a guest Sergey