A personal insult or a show of force? Why did Biden call Putin a murderer?

Kremlin relations

On March 17, on the American channel ABC, Joe Biden gave an interview to The host of The Week program George Stephanopoulos.

During the program, the President of the United States of America answered the question “Is Putin a murderer?” He answered convincingly, in addition, promising that the Russian leader would «pay». 

(freeze frame from the interview)

Such unethical statements on the part of American presidents in relation to their Russian counterparts weren’t even during the Cold War. Therefore, the answer of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin wasn’t long in coming. “Now, as for the statement of my American colleague: we are indeed, as he said, personally acquainted with him. And what would I say to him? I would say to him: be healthy! I wish him good health. I say this without irony, without jokes, “Putin commented. He also added: “And now, you know, I remember-as a child, we were in the yard, when we were arguing with each other, we said this: anyone who calls themselves names, that’s what they call themselves. This is not an accident, this is not just a child’s proverb and joke. The meaning of this is very deep — psychological. We always see our own qualities in the other person. And we think he’s just like us. And based on this, we evaluate his actions and give an assessment in general.” 

Later, the Russian leader invited Biden to the debate: “I want to invite President Biden to continue our discussion, but on the condition that we actually do it live, as they say, online.”

(freeze-frame from the air of Russia-24)

The US president didn’t respond to the call, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the US refused to have an open conversation with Putin. This is definitely another round of aggravation of Russian-American relations, and we can only hope for their further improvement. Here is what the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, says about possible options for the development of these relations: “For us, the main thing is to determine what can be the ways to correct the Russian — American relations that are in a difficult state, which Washington has essentially led to a dead end in recent years. Moscow is interested in preventing their irreversible degradation, if the Americans are aware of the risks associated with this.” 

What is unclear is why the US president would deliberately worsen relations if it wouldn’t be beneficial for both their Russian colleagues and themselves. Journalist Mikhail Fishman comments on this: “This is a diplomatic demarche, a demonstration of force and, if you like, indifference to Moscow’s point of view, this is a signal to the whole world, primarily to NATO and Europe: Putin is an outcast, it is impossible to talk to him on the merits.”  It is obvious that by making such a loud statement, bordering on an insult, Joe Biden is pursuing a certain goal. But why the US should destroy relations on all fronts, that is, with both Russia and China, is unclear.

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