Japan from the inside


According to statistics, most Russians go to Turkey or Europe, but if you look in the direction of Asia, you can not miss Japan.
Given the fact that the country is located on the islands, there is not much space there — in large cities, the housing issue is acute. The average house in Japan costs about$ 600,000,despite the fact that the average monthly income is$ 4,000, so the “capsules” are most common in the country.


This kind of accommodation began to gain popularity in 2015, and the first capsule hotel was created in 1975, but then it was not in great demand.

Japanese culture.
As for Japanese culture, the national costume(kimono) is an integral part of it.
Kimono is a traditional Japanese outfit for going to the temple with newborns, for a wedding or for a holiday.

Japanese food.
The food in Japan, let’s say, is specific, it’s not suitable for everyone, but there is a dish that we all know and love – sushi.
This dish appeared in the 7th century in China, but it was widely spread in Japan, and then all over the world, as it was easy to prepare sushi, and most importantly – delicious.


Tea ceremony or purification ceremony “in Japanese”.
The tea ceremony is a whole ritual, a ritual of purification or meditation. At this event, people drink “matcha”, which was brought by monks in the 7th century and presented to the Buddha as a gift. A little later, this tea became so popular that the whole world began to drink it.

What to see? Where to go?
And as for the attractions, the choice here is huge. Temples, towers, walking streets and many — many things, but in this abundance of places there is one that every tourist should visit. This is, of course, the Sensoji temple.


“Sensoji” is a Buddhist temple founded in 628, on the site of which a statue of the Bodhisattva Kannon (goddess of mercy) was discovered. You can go to the temple via Nakamise-dori shopping street.
Only in the early 18th century, residents were allowed to trade near the temple. Now it sells a large number of traditional sweets and suverenirs, as well as an annual “racket fair” (at this event, you can buy traditional hagoita rackets and many other interesting things).

Local residents.
The Japanese themselves are very closed, but generally kind and responsive. One of the most important qualities that every Japanese has is hard work and humility. It’s thanks to these qualities that local residents reach great heights both at work and in school.

Japan is a country that everyone should visit, because in no other place in the world will you meet such interesting people, try such unusual food and get really amazing impressions.