A paradise called Canada


What is Canada? It is a northern bilingual state. It is the center of the world production of maple syrup. These are residents who are fans of hockey. These are beavers, moose, bears, and loons. And that’s not all. 

Canada is a country located in North America, the second largest in the world by area (99,846,670 square kilometers). The country is washed by the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, making its coastline the longest in the world. The only country with which Canada has a land border is the United States. The population is 37602103 people.

Let’s turn to the history of Canada. The first foreigners to visit its territory were Asians, then Vikings. Until the XVII century, its coast was a haven for fishermen, until the French began active development of the northern territory, which became the colony of “New France”. For the colonies located on the territory of Canada, there was a struggle between the British, the French, and then the Americans. The British Parliament by a special act divided Canada into Upper and Lower, which the Canadians themselves were dissatisfied with. In 1867, they were democratically governed by the United Dominion of Canada.  For a long time, the country’s government was changing, the territories were expanding. It participated in wars, suffered from economic crises. Now it is a prosperous country with a large amount of natural resources. 

Let’s talk about popular tourist places:

  1. Niagara Falls. There is no person in the world who has never heard of this natural attraction. Travelers from all over the world are eager to see this fifty-meter wonder of the world. The waterfall can be viewed from the observation deck, and from a special ferry. 
  2. Capilano Suspension Bridge. This truly amazing structure was built in 1899 from cedar logs and linen ropes, but in 1956 it had to be rebuilt. The bridge itself connects the banks of the Capilano River at an altitude of 70 meters, stretching for 130 meters in length. 


3.Royal Ontario Museum. This place will surprise you with its appearance and introduce you to the dramatic new architecture. The Royal Museum’s collection includes archaeological finds, stuffed animals and historical objects from all over the world. 

Breaking down all preconceptions, Canadians eat more than just maple syrup. For example, a turriere is a meat pie whose history dates back to the times of French Canada. And several cities in Quebec are arguing for the opportunity to be considered the first to come up with Putin-French fries with meat sauce with “squeaky” cottage cheese. Sweet lovers may also like Beaver Tails, which is a doughnut without a hole and served with sugar, chocolate, and so on. 


Canada is a northern country that has passed the path of a colony and has become a state with its own culture. It attracts tourists with its nature, the famous maple syrup and the tolerance of the population.